
My name is Václav Svoboda and on social networks I act as WendaMusic.

I am a 17 year old boy from the Czech Republic and I play the saxophone.


Music has been my biggest passion in my life for a few years now and I love to do everything related to music.



It all started when I was five years old and my parents signed me up for recorder lessons.

I felt from the beginning that flute was probably not what I was going to enjoy, but I had it in my head that I wanted to get to playing the saxophone and that kept me learning.

After 4 years in music school I was told that I could upgrade to an instrument that was a little closer to the saxophone than the flute (at least in size 😀 ) and so began my clarinet playing.

The clarinet was pretty much the same as the flute, but from there I knew I was only a “short” time away from the saxophone.

I also played the clarinet for three years, but even now I like to play it occasionally.







By the time I learned basic saxophone playing, I was already seeing music as a whole as something I find fulfilling and enjoyable, and I began to see it as a big part of my life.


After 7 years of going to music school, I finally started playing my dream saxophone.


Gradually I felt that I was getting better and better and I didn’t want to keep this to myself, so I decided to create music content and then post it on social media.

I’ve been on social media for a while now under the name



and I’m happy to be able to share my music with others.

I love playing the saxophone, and I believe it will stick with me throughout my life, because it will!


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